Mia is 6 months old today!
Each baby develops at his own pace. Let’s check where Mia is at now:-
Body Movement
Lifts chest and most of tummy off floor by pushing up on extended arms.>>Checked! (Although rarely)
Rolls from back to tummy easily. >> Hm it looked easy sometimes, other days she kinda struggled to roll, it’s ok coz you just got this few days ago, i'm sure you'll be good at it soon)
Rocks and kicks a lot. Rolls around in delight. >> Definitely kicks a lot, Rolls rarely..not yet i guess)
Sits erect briefly, using hands on floor for balance and support.>>Checked! But still need hubby and me for support
Bounces when held erect. Likes seeing the world when standing. >>Oh so true especially while travelling in the car
Eye-Hand Coordination
Uses one-handed purposeful grasp to shake, bang, put object in mouth, then finally drop it. Enjoys dropping objects repeatedly to learn the noises they make. >>Checked!
Uses whole hand to rake in and pick up small object. >>Checked!
Regularly reaches for objects out of her reach.>>Checked! ( Mummy & Daddy had to hold you tight so that you don't fall, very ambitious little lady)
Grabs and sucks on her own and your body parts to differentiate herself from you as two separate individuals. >>Ic is that it? Mia darling you sucked my finger to differentiate yourself from me?..hmm interesting.....
Read more at http://www.ivillage.com/your-baby-6-months/6-a-127202#ixzz121FiW2YO
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